How To Water New Turfgrass Sod
Proper watering techniques are a critical aspect of lawn watering, equal in importance to the issues of when to water and how much to water. Here are several key factors to proper technique: Avoid hand sprinkling because it cannot provide the necessary uniformity as most people do not have the patience, time or "eye" to [...]
How to Lay Sod
Cultivated turf allows you to enjoy a lawn of instant beauty and maturity without the usual time-consuming hassles of seeding. When purchasing turfgrass sod, consult a member of the Turfgrass Producers International (TPI) in your area, to be assured that you are getting the finest quality turf available. The following are the basic steps to [...]
Stop Erosion From Ruining Your Property
The Problem: Seeing your yard wash away, bit by bit, with every downpour. On a small scale--erosion is unsightly, unsafe and will reduce the value of your property, significantly. On a large scale--erosion causes serious environmental problems that could result in downstream neighbors or government officials bringing a law suit or other action against property [...]
Artificial Turf vs. Natural Grass
Natural Grass and Artificial Turf: Separating Myths and Facts booklet will help decision-makers and the general public make informed decisions regarding the installation of natural grass or artificial turf in their communities. This 32-page booklet is based upon information from some of the industry’s most highly respected research scientists, sports field managers, contractors and other [...]
Why Are Most Lawns Sodded?
Is a sod lawn less work? Yes, a professional sod lawn needs no special care because it is a healthy mature lawn when installed, whereas a sprigged or seeded lawn requires years of nurturing to reach maturity. Sod is grown under expert supervision from either top quality seed blends or certified hybrid sprigs. After it's [...]
How Turfgrass Affects the Environment
While industry and technology have provided jobs and goods to make life easier, the effect on the environment has been substantial. But we can help restore this precious earth with something as simple as turfgrass -- the earth's living skin. The U.S. Congress has acknowledged these positive benefits to our environment. "Turfgrass sod in urban [...]