Diseases, pests and excessive traffic wreak havoc on turf grass. With Barenbrug’s Barvette HGT™ bluegrass, you’ll find no better friend against those challenges.
HGT stands for Healthy Grass Technology, a tough and disease resistant Kentucky bluegrass. We developed HGT in harsh climatic conditions, specifically to withstand diseases, pests and traffic. Extensive testing in various climates and conditions has proven HGT a winner. No other Kentucky bluegrass has been found to outperform HGT.
- Resistant to damage from billbugs and white grubs
- Ideal for sod farms, golf courses, sports fields, landscapes and lawns
- Withstands diseases, pests and traffic

Developed by Oklahoma State University and released in 2011, NorthBridge is a tough bermudagrass cultivar known for its cold tolerance; especially for its early spring green-up. Its tensile strength and aggressive rooting make NorthBridge a durable choice for sports, golf and consumer applications.
• Early Green-Up
• Aggressive Rooting
• Playability
• Excellent Cold Tolerance

Characteristics: Warm-season grass–fine to medium leaf texture, dark green, dense and low growing via rhizomes and stolons–some varieties tolerate very low maintenance while others produce lawns of exceptional beauty when given extra care–root system is extensive and very deep.
Recommended Usage: Best adapted to hot, dry climates–recommended for residential and commercial landscapes, golf courses, sport fields, parks and recreation areas; ideal for homes with children and pets.
Temperature Tolerance: Excellent heat tolerance up to 110’F–performs best during periods of heat; has a winter dormancy period, turns tan brown at below 55’F.
Drought Tolerance: Superior–highly drought resistant, but also responds to irrigation in dry periods: can go into dormancy when irrigation is withheld; upon return of moisture supply, will green up again.
Shade Adaptation: Poor–requires full sun for most of the day to grow properly.
Wear Resistance: Excellent–withstands wear better than most grasses–tolerates heavy traffic and, when injured, recovers more rapidly than any other grasses.

Latitude 36 is an extremely versatile Bermudagrass, suitable for Sports, Golf, Commercial and Residential applications. With fine grass blades and exceptional wear tolerance with strong wear recovery, this turfgrass has been shown to also demonstrate exceptional cold tolerance and relatively early spring green-up among Bermudagrasses.
Latitude 36 possesses very good drought resistance and maintains its color until the first hard frost and, making it an excellent choice for the southern U.S. states.
Shade Tolerance
Latitude 36 can be installed and grown in shady landscapes such as the high filtered shade of pine trees; however, Latitude 36 does need at least 3-4 hours of daily sunlight for optimum performance. If your landscape has less than 3-4 hours of daily sunlight, your may experience a decline in the overall quality of your turfgrass.

Warm-season grass–leaf texture fine-medium–color from light-medium green; forms a dense low-maintenance lawn; spreads by stolons and rhizomes (shoot rate is slow). Easy to maintain.
Recommended Usage:
In humid and tropical climates–can withstand very heavy usage–recommended for residential and commercial lawns.
Temperature Tolerance:
–Tolerates heat extremely well up to 100’F
–subject to enter dormancy at temperatures below 55’F.
Drought Tolerance:
Moderate to good–remains green and resists short periods of drought–takes heat well. Can go into summer dormancy when irrigation is withheld; upon return of moisture, will green up again.
Shade Adaptation:
Good–slow growing in partial shade (better than Bermuda).
Wear Resistance:
Superior–exceptionally hardy; has the best wear resistance of any grass–tolerates heavy traffic, but slow to recover from heavy thinning.

Geo Zoysia Grass originated in Beltsville, Maryland and is a cross between a Zoysia Japonica and a Zoysia Tenuifolia. It has a medium leaf texture and a dark green color. Geo has good shade tolerance compared to other zoysias and is extremely wear tolerant. With minimal thatch problems, Geo is a very easy grass to mow using a standard rotary mower.
Uses: Home Lawns – Commercial Landscapes – Parks & Rec – Golf
Characteristics of Geo Zoysia
- Exceptional Shade Tolerance
- Uniform Dark Green Color
- Outstanding Wear Tolerance
- Tolerant of Salt and Herbicides
- Minimal Thatch Buildup
- Slow Vertical Growth

Innovation Zoysia is a cross between a Meyer-type Zoysia japonica and a Zoysia matrella, resulting in a grass with good resistance to cold, disease, and insects.
Recommended Usage:
Innovation Zoysia is suitable for golf courses, commercial and residential landscapes. It is ideal for regions as far north as zone 6a on the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map.
Temperature Tolerance:
Innovation Zoysia demonstrates cold hardiness equivalent to Meyer Zoysia, making it suitable for a variety of climates.
Shade Adaptation:
Innovation Zoysia offers a level of shade tolerance, making it suitable for areas with varying light conditions.
Wear Resistance:
The grass establishes quickly and recovers rapidly from damage, indicating good wear resistance.

Innovation Zoysia, developed in the early 2000s through a collaboration between Kansas State University and Texas A&M AgriLife Research, is a hybrid turfgrass combining the resilience and cold tolerance of Zoysia japonica with the fine texture of Zoysia matrella. Renowned for its rapid establishment, durability, and superior turf quality, Innovation Zoysia is widely used in residential lawns, golf courses, and commercial landscapes, especially in challenging transition zone climates.
- Residential lawns
- Golf courses (tees and fairways)
- Commercial landscapes
- Sports fields and other recreational areas
Characteristics of Innovation Zoysia:
- Fine leaf texture
- Rapid establishment and recovery
- Cold hardy
- Resistant to bluegrass billbug
- Dense canopy for reduced weed pressure
- Extended fall color and early spring green-up

Recommended Usage: Very good transitional zone grass–adapted to moderately cold winters and warm summers. Good tough play lawn–recommended for a wide variety of uses, including residential and commercial landscapes, roadside, parks, recreation areas, and sports fields.
Temperature Tolerance: Good heat tolerance for a cool season grass–grows in a wide range of temperatures in the transitional climatic zone between cool and warm climates.
Drought Tolerance: Good–one of the better cool-season turfgrasses, fairly deep root system helps avoid drought. Can go into summer dormancy, with brown leaves, when irrigation is withheld; upon return of moisture supply, will green up again. Some varieties have better tolerance to heat and drought.
Shade Adaptation: Good in transitional zone–does well in sun or shade.
Wear Resistance: Good–suitable for moderate recreation and foot traffic, areas exhibiting good initial wear recovery, especially in spring and fall when growth is rapid.
- Tall Fescue (5 Way Blend)
- Bermuda 419
- Bermuda Tifway II
- Zoysia Meyer
- Zoysia Innovation